Sunday, October 6, 2013

Truth is..............

Oh parenting, the joy of bringing a life into this world and teaching them the right and wrong of life.  The joys of them being the best children in the world. When it comes to my children they are perfect little angels.  They brighten up the room when they walk into it.  They have their charming grins, they bright eyes and their cheerful demeanor.  The way they get along so well and the way they listen is just phenomenal.  Oh the joys of parenting is such a blessing and joy and there are no words to describe the feeling..........okay, okay wait a minute.  Yes some things are true like being a parent is great but come on we have all been there.  We all know that kids aren't perfect (no matter how much in denial we can be we all secretly think "what have I done" from time to time).  Truth is we all have those days, those days where we wonder what did I get myself into.  Now don't sit there and think oh what kind of mom says this let alone admits it to all of my 2 readers.  Well the fact of the matter is we have all thought that at one point.  Kids are frustrating, temperamental, little stinkers. This is just the beginning, as the years pass you would think maybe this will too pass, but as the number gets bigger so does the child's "personality". 

You know those moments where your children are just so well behaved you start thinking hey adding another one to the mix wouldn't be so me it's there.  It's a very short window most days but it is there (even if it's just when they are sleeping). During that brisk moment you really start to think I must have done something right.  Could something I have said about a thousand times today finally sink in and they got it? You start seeing the silver lining and then boom back to the destruction you get when you have boys, or the drama you get when you have a daughter.  

Some days I feel like just using a recorder and pushing play all day long.  I start asking myself how many times do I need to repeat myself when it comes to "be nice to your friends", "keep your hands to yourself", or the famous one "turn on your listening ears".  I cannot believe how many times a day I have to repeat myself when it comes to picking up toys, playing nicely with toys, be polite.

With all this being said, call me crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world.  I am so crazy that even after all the stresses, responsibility and all the unknown about the future I want to add to my chaos.  I love them to the moon and back and I wouldn't have done it any other way.  My family is what helps me get up in the morning and keeps me going throughout the day.  I love my crazy 7 year old, I love my chaotic 2 year old and my dramatic one year old, and you know what that's just the way I like it.  This is my new normal and the way my life was meant to be.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

the difference between boys and girls

So I have both genders for children in my home.  It makes me smile to do the comparison for example my little girl sits and plays with shoes, socks and clothes.  It's kind of funny, after all we do have about 100 other toys, and she prefers to go sit by the shoes and play with them.  If a child loses a sock she has to go over and pick it up and play with it.  For example my son lost his sock she crawls over and starts to play with it.  She is trying to stick it in all sorts of different toys and see how it works.  She twirls it in her fingers and switches the sock from hand to hand.  I know I am in for a long expensive ride with that one.  Now she has started a phase where she loves books, I am glad she loves books I am hoping she sticks with that throughout her life.  I guess this makes her pretty easy to shop for.


Now for my son, He would rather play with cars, or blocks.  With these toys he is very destructive, he goes about building his tower of about 10 blocks then, that's right you guessed it, takes the cars and knocks them over.  He thinks that is the funniest thing to watch them all come falling down.  Now I would say he has a down right obsession with cars, trucks, planes or trains.  It's so bad that today while I was asking him what he would want for lunch he said an airplane.  I proceeded to tell my two year old son that he can't have an airplane for lunch and asked him again what he wanted.  Yes that's right he again said he wanted an airplane for lunch.  So today as I make my fish sticks for lunch I will attempt to make him an airplane.  I am a little curious what he would do with his fish stick airplane.  I have to ask myself if I really want to find out?  I suppose I shouldn't hinder the boys imagination and encourage him to think in ways that don't seem possible.  Who knows maybe my son will be a great inventor for something that seems impossible.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

White wash

When is it to young to know about a face wash?  When did you experience your first face wash?  I remember being outside playing when my seven year old was trying to teach my two year old how to throw snow in the air.  Little did the seven year old know that my two year old knew how to do so already.  I know what you are thinking, but no my two year old didn't end up throwing snow in his face.  So the seven year old was tossing snow, then handed his brother some snow.  So Aiden, my two year old, was looking at it and my seven year old thought hey maybe I should grab his arms to help him throw the snow in the air.  Next thing you know Aiden has a face full of snow and the look on his face was beyond a picture perfect moment.  He was beyond disbelief what had just happened.  He was walking around in a circle until his brother got the snow off his face.  This was not his first white wash although it is his first from someone else.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

to dream or not to dream

I have two children that will go to bed if you tell them to, almost like they enjoy that more than anything.    I wonder what they dream of though when they sleep.  Have you ever thought about it, do they dream about crazy things like purple dinosaurs that eat grey trees.  Or cars that actually talk to them.  I look at my children and I have to wonder what goes on in their heads sometimes.  If they are anything like me they probably have purple ponies or flying kangaroos.  I can see my son having dreams about cars driving people.  Or my daughter dreaming about her prince charming also known as daddy.  I think it's more fun trying to imagine what they are dreaming about just how they wake up or look at you when  you go in their room to get them.  like when they wake up in a bad mood they must have had such a great dream they didn't want to wake up.  Or if they are in a good mood the dream finished and they got the ending they wanted.  Or if they wake up screaming you know something scared them.  You can definitely tell a lot about how a child or even just any person wakes up for that matter.  Then with my seven year old you just hear some interesting things from his dreams.  You know how he depicts his family members for example, a bad guy came in and my husband was the hero and I helped protect the kids in a safe place.  He see's my husband as the protector and me as the loving caring type that he can be safe around.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

No school what?

Is it just me or does it seem as if there is a lot of days off for schools now days.  When I was in school it felt like forever since we had a day off or early release.  Having my seven year old in my home makes you realize how many days they actually get off.  I wouldn't go as far as to say I am complaining but you sure don't realize how much more work a seven year old is until you already have a houseful and add that age in.  It's worse when they don't have another child their age to play with.  Glad we have social gatherings with friends or family with children around that same age.  Granted it can be pretty entertaining the things that they can come up with.  But sometimes the kids can just be in your face.  If I think it's bad now wait until summer.  That will be another long 3 months.  Hopefully this summer will be more fun for him and he will hopefully be able to get together with friends near his age or make friends with our neighbor children.  God has a fun sense of humor when He wants to doesn't He.  If you don't think so feel free to hold a conversation with my seven year old any time you please.  I can almost guarantee you will be entertained.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What if....

What if you could have a super power what would it be?  I would have to say I would have eight arms and super human speed and I would be known as Octoswift.  Keep in mind these powers will only be visible when they are needed, so you don't stick out like a sore thumb.  I mean think about it you would have an arm per child, an arm for cooking, an arm for cleaning, reading a book, picking up toys or whatever else you need to do.  The speed would be so nice so you can clean up a spill or mess before any of your children get into it.  Or if your child decides to run away you can get them while outside and your luck if you have more than one they seem to plot against you.  One goes one way the other child goes the other direction.  Don't you just love how they can be slower than molasses when you ask them to pick up something or do something but boom, the minute they lock their eyes on something at a distance they are quicker than a sled on ice going down a steep hill.  The arms would be so nice especially when you have littler children.  Have you ever had two small children close enough in age where they needed to be carried or held on to in some way?  I mean try opening a car door with two kids in the dead of winter, or even your house door.  You have to dig your keys out, try and find the right key to the lock and then open it.  That's a chore in itself because of course children don't always do what you intend for them to.  They tend to flop whichever way you lean instead of holding on themselves.  Then if you just get home from the grocery store you have bags you are trying to carry.  It's a major juggling trick, probably more fun to watch than it is to be the person doing it that's for sure.