Thursday, January 24, 2013

What if....

What if you could have a super power what would it be?  I would have to say I would have eight arms and super human speed and I would be known as Octoswift.  Keep in mind these powers will only be visible when they are needed, so you don't stick out like a sore thumb.  I mean think about it you would have an arm per child, an arm for cooking, an arm for cleaning, reading a book, picking up toys or whatever else you need to do.  The speed would be so nice so you can clean up a spill or mess before any of your children get into it.  Or if your child decides to run away you can get them while outside and your luck if you have more than one they seem to plot against you.  One goes one way the other child goes the other direction.  Don't you just love how they can be slower than molasses when you ask them to pick up something or do something but boom, the minute they lock their eyes on something at a distance they are quicker than a sled on ice going down a steep hill.  The arms would be so nice especially when you have littler children.  Have you ever had two small children close enough in age where they needed to be carried or held on to in some way?  I mean try opening a car door with two kids in the dead of winter, or even your house door.  You have to dig your keys out, try and find the right key to the lock and then open it.  That's a chore in itself because of course children don't always do what you intend for them to.  They tend to flop whichever way you lean instead of holding on themselves.  Then if you just get home from the grocery store you have bags you are trying to carry.  It's a major juggling trick, probably more fun to watch than it is to be the person doing it that's for sure.


Josh Meyer said...

I kinda liked Velocipeed and Canonbolt.

Donita said...

but how would canonbolt apply to 8 arms lol.