We have all heard the saying, don't forget the reasons you fell in love with someone. I have been thinking about that today and I cannot help but think how that is true.....to an extent. Those of us that are in a relationship and find the love of our lives we think we are fortunate to get that opportunity. Well I agree we should remember why we fell in love with that person, however what do we do when that person is no longer the person we fell in love with? That's where being in there for better for worse comes in. Sticking with that person through thick and thin.
I cannot wait to grow old with the love of my life and be able to experience things so many of us will not be able to because we gave up on our marriage. I love my husband with all of my heart and with all that I am. I have loved him for as long as I can remember. My life without him would not be the same and I wouldn't have it any other way. We as people forget that once we get what we want, in this case the person we love, we don't feel the need to keep trying. We don't see the need to keep finding ways to make our spouses happy. It's a difficult road and a road that will ultimately be less traveled than that of the world we now know.
I was thinking today how many marriages could be saved with couples trying to not only remember what made them fall in love in the first place, but finding new reasons to love the one they are with. What if we start asking ourselves questions during the day such as, what would my spouse appreciate today? What would speak volumes to him to let him know that I couldn't help but think of him? What can I do to keep spontaneity in my marriage? A relationship cannot survive on routine and just going through the motions. We need to show our loved ones who comes first and who means the world to us. What if we ask questions such as who is my spouse now and what are his likes and dislikes? We need to keep communication open and honest. Once the communication goes there goes the key to the window of your loved ones heart. If we allow that window to close even the slightest there is always a bird that can slide in and start making a home where it doesn't belong.
Are you doing all you can to show your spouse that they are the reason your love exists? I know I can work on how my love shows through and I know there are always days where I slack on spontaneity. I want to strive to keep my marriage alive and living a life where other people can naturally see the love and bond between my husband and myself. Now I know how hard marriage can be and I know how difficult it is when we add children into the mix, but when you have struggles and tough times that speaks to your character as an individual and also as a couple. I don't want people thinking I am anti-divorce that's not it at all. If you have tried all that you can and you still cannot move passed your differences and your spouse cheated or was abusive that is an entirely different story. I am just pro-marriage and remembering the reason and making new reasons why you love the one you chose to spend the rest of your life with.
There was a reason you chose to spend your life with that person in the first place. There is a reason why you wanted them to be the parent of your child(ren). They cannot be all bad if they stole your heart in the first place.