My 8 year old I have made a comment towards me that has had me thinking ever since he mentioned it. He has been picked on a lot especially on the bus and that makes me sad to hear that when he comes home. Well we were talking about praying for those who hurt us and that maybe they will stop being so mean to you. He looks as my husband and I with a serious face and says they don't deserve a second chance. He has been really hurt by these kids on the bus and we tell him they will stop picking on you if you don't let it get to you. So my husband and I started talking about Jesus and how he went through ridicule and people calling him names and such. We told him that when He was up on that cross he said forgive them father for they know not what they do. Everyone deserves a second chance, everyone deserves to be forgiven even if it's just you forgiving them without going up to that person and telling them all they have done wrong. Once we let go of our hurt feelings those people can no longer hurt us. If those people get a place to stay in your head and heart then they will be there until you say enough is enough.
My poor child has been dealing with more than my husband or myself even realize. I just with that one day he will figure it out and realize that life is more than the bully's that he will encounter throughout his life. We all have feelings that flow along the lines as this. It's difficult for me to sit here and tell him life will get better but that there will always be obstacles he will have to learn to overcome. My husband and I have a lot of work cut out for us in the next couple of months with teaching him how to overcome situations that make him angry or sad.
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