My daughter will be two, TWO. How can two years fly by so quickly. It seems like only a few months have gone by. I have been noticing how much older she has become not just because her birthday is coming up but the way she looks, acts, and even how to plays with toys. She is becoming an independent little girl who knows what she wants in life and there is no stopping her. Nora is a girl that once she sets her mind on something she is going to get it. Now I love that about her to a degree of course because when I ask her not to do that she does it anyway because she wants to and that's all there is to it. Nora is a package, a package well lets say, that if opened there is no returning it. She is a sweet little person that has such a big heart. When she smiles her entire face lights up. She is a precious person and one that I would not give back for anything. I can see her doing great things as long as that temper of hers doesn't over shine her big heart.
Did I mention she was a red head? Now I know that it doesn't technically have anything to do with the color of ones hair to determine ones personality. I really think it's that saying that red heads have a temper and it's a fiery one, that parents just tend to tell their children that so that's how the child acts. Who knows maybe it does and I just don't believe that. Anyway for as sweet as this child can be she can be just as stubborn. She is the light of our lives and we want her to flourish in a way that is pleasing to God. We want her to grow up reaching people her father and I never could. If you would have come to me two years ago telling me we would be having a little girl who we would love so much that we would give our lives for her I would have thought you were crazy.
We had our first son and we were happy with where things were. I knew I wanted more but I never would have thought my two children would be 14 months apart in age. Having them that close was definitely a fun experience for our family. They are so close in age that they grow up and they will always have that friend (hopefully for life). I say hopefully because you just never know how life will turn out but as of now I can tell you those two are inseparable. I love having them so close in age because they learn from each other and they learn, good things and bad, but none the less my children have definitely learned how to work with other children.
Back to my daughter though, I would have to say that God has chosen this little girl for our family in a way that my husband and myself never could have imagine. She may not be from a genetic standpoint with how she is ours, but she is ours regardless of DNA. What makes her ours is that we would give our lives for her, we would put ourselves on the back burner for her until it's time for her to flourish on her own. Our daughter has definitely given us a run for our money when it comes to persistence and everything that comes along with having a daughter. I can say this about our daughter that whatever she decides to do with her life you better believe she will accomplish it. She has a lot of will power and I can also say watch out world because in 16 short years my daughter will be gunning for you. That is my spunky little girl and I am proud of her even at the small age of two she has a lot of promising potential that when unleashed it will be difficult to rein back in. The only thing I have to say is look at that definitely says it all.
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